
Call od duty world war 2 hidden zombies map
Call od duty world war 2 hidden zombies map

call od duty world war 2 hidden zombies map

These items are not just simple collectibles, but rather rewards for puzzles, riddles and tasks which must be completed in a certain way.

call od duty world war 2 hidden zombies map

These include ancient relics or artifacts, such as Barbarossa's sword, that all play a part in saving Klaus from the evil of the Final Reich. In order to fulfill the main Easter Egg, players need to find 10 secret items to complete the right hand side of the inventory screen.

call od duty world war 2 hidden zombies map

In this guide you'll find a detailed walkthrough for all of the Easter Egg steps, together with maps, screenshots and puzzle solutions along the way. The hunt concludes with players saving Klaus and the Dark Reunion achievement being earned. The COD WW2 "Final Reich" zombies map contains an extensive Easter Egg that has players exploring the mysteries of necromancy and searching for Barbarossa's lost treasures.

Call od duty world war 2 hidden zombies map